Case Categorization (Recovery for damages) Commercial (Spefici Performance) Commercial (Recovery) Commercial (Cheque Dishonour) Commercial (Electricity) Commercial (Repament of Amount Due) Commercial (Cheque) Commercial Industrial Dispute (Labour) (Cheque Bounce/Commercial) Commercial Cheque Bounce/Commercial (Property) Commerical (Cheque Bounce) Commercial (Labour/Commercial (non-payment of salaries) Industirial Dispute (Labour) Industrial Dispute Settlement (Claims, Damages, rent) Commercial (Construction and Development) Settlement of claims Loan Agreement (Clearance of outstanding) Electricity (Trademark Copyright Infringment) IPR (Labour Dispute) Industrial Dispute Property (Recovery of possession) Commercial (Settlement of Loan) IPR (copysight Infringment) Matrimonial (Desolution of marriage) (Labour Law Industrial Dispute) Miscellaneous Commercial (payment of dues) (Design infringment) IPR (Maintenance Matrimonial) IPR (Copyright Infringment) Froud Saction 420 (Recovery Suit) Family Matrimonial (Reconciliation) Commercial (Payment dues) (Specific Performance Commercial) (Recovery ) Commercial (Copyrihgt) IPR IPR (Trademark Infringment Copy right) Matrimonial (Reconcilition of Marriage) (Property) Family (Final Settlement) Matrimonial IPR (Trademark Infringment) Commercial (Winding Up) ( Commercial) Tenancy (Agreement for appointment of conciliation) Propertys Possession of Property) Commercial Property (Sale Deed) (Electricty Misuse) Others Section 138, (NI Act Cheque Bounce) Civil Suit (Defaulty in Construction Terms) Property Commercial (Trademark Copyrihgt) IPR (Property Settlement) Matrimonial (Electricity civil and criminal liability) Commerical Matrimonial (Visitation) Matrimonial (Maintenance) Copyright infringment IPR Matrimonial (Domestic Violance, dissoluction) Matrimonial (dissolution of merriage) Child Matrimonial (Desolution of marrige) (Partition Family) Others (Reconciliation of Marriage) Matrimonial Law (Property Possession) Commercial Commercial (Reconvery of Payment) (Partition of Property) Commercial Compromise Deed) (Reconciliation) Matrimonial (Partition) Commercial Matrimonial (Domestic Violence) ( Domestic Vionance/ Divorce) Matrimonial IPR Trademark Copyright/ Passing Off (Divorce & Maintenance & Child Custody) Matrimonial ( Trademark) IPR Family (Partition suit) (Mutul Consent Divorce) Matrimonial (Family Will) Others (Commercial, Partition) Others (Recovery of money & Damages) Commercial IPR Trade dress Infringment Matrimonial (dissolution of marriage) Domestic Violance Matrimonial (dissolution of marriage) (Commercial Loan) Others (Ownership of Land) Commercial Commercial (non payment of dues) (Iondustrial Dispute) (Labour Law) (Recovery Suit) Commercial (Finance) Commercial Domestic Violance) Matrimonial (Tradenark & Copy right) IPR IPR (Tradem ark Copyright Infringment) ( Divorce) Matrimonial (Property) Commercial Property (Commercial) (Trademark) Commercial (Family Partition suit) Others Family Property, Recovery (Maintenance) Matrimonial (Domestic Violence) Matrimonial (Similar pakaging /Trademark) IPR (Tenancy Commercial) Other (Service Matter) Other (Divorce & Child Custody) Matrimonial Other (Commercial) (Copyright) IPR (Divorce Maintenance) Matrimonial (Contract) Others (Settlement against money) Commercial (Family) Matrimonial (Trademark) IPR (Property) (Family Dispute) Matrimonial (Property) Others (Money Decree) Commercial (Agreement to Sell Property) Commercial (Cheque Bounce) Others IPR Trademark Copyright (infringment) Commercial (Specific Performance) Property Matrimonial (Reconcilation of Parties) Family (Criminal negligent conduct endangering life) Others Matrimonial (Property) Commercial NI Act IPR (Trademark Possing Off) Matrimontial (Access Agreement) (Trademark Infringment) IPR (Divorce & Maintenance) Matrimonial (Trademark & Copy right) IPR IPR Copyright (infringment) (Property) Other (Recovery of Debet) Commercial (Trademark/ Label) IPR Commercial (Possession of Property) (Patent Infringment) IPR Commercial (Possession, Recovery of dues) (Partition) Family IPR Copyright/ Trademark (infringment) (Prelitigation) Matrimonial Commercial (Specific Performance) Other (Electricity ) (Payment of Dues) Commercial (Trademark) IPR IPR (Trademark Copyright Infringment) (Divorce & Maintenance) Matrimonial Electricity (pament of dues (Constraint) Commercial (Sale of Property) Commercial (Copyright Infringment) IPR (Tenancy) Commercial Others (Commercial) (Domestic Violance) Matrimonial (unpaid Loans) Commercial IPR Trademark (infringment) (Recovery of Dues) Commercial (Loan Recovery) Commercial Family (Property) Partnership Family (dispute) (Specific Performance of Agreement) Commercial Commercial (Debt Recovery) (Passing Off) IPR Copyright IPR Trademark (infringement) Commercial Property Dispute Trademarks Copyrihgt IPR Copyright (infringement) (Visitation right & Domestic Violance) Matrimonial Commercial (Settlement of Loan Amount) Commercial (Reconvery of dues) Commercial (Recovery of dues) (Commercial) Others Matrimonial (Domestic Violance) (Partition) others IPR Trademark Infringment Recovery Suit (Trademark Copyright) IPR IPR Trademark, Infringment Matrimonial (Domestic Violance & Maintenance) Specific Performance (Commercial) (Settlement of Loan Facilities) Commercial (Divorce/Child Custody) Matrimonial Commercial Specific Performance (Recovery of Loans Amount) Commercial Purchase of Residential Property Commercial (Section 138, NI Act) Recovery suit Recovery of money Other MACT (Mutul Consent Divorce) Matrimonial Trademark Commercial Partition Specific Partition (winding up) Commercial Commercial (Property) (Realization of decretal amount) Commercial IPR Trademark, Copyright Inferingment Commercial Cancellation of Sale Deed Commercial (Recovery of outstanding Payment) Commercial (Recovery Suit) (Family) Property Family (Partition) Commercial Cancellation of Sale Deeds Commercial Possessory Rights Family Probate (Recovery) Commercial Commercial (Partnership) IPR Trademark/Design Trademark IPR (No Divorce) Matrimonial ( Specific Performance) Commercial (Road Accident) Others Commercial (Refund of amount) Family property dispute (Recovery of Payment Due) Commercial Commercial (Others) Commercial Recovery of Loan Family Specific Performance (Patent) IPR IPR Copyright IPR Design & Technology Family(Property) IPR Patent Commercial (Recovery of Money) Commercial N.I Act Commercial (NI Act) Commercial Society Act IPR/Trademark Act/Copyright Act/Designs Act Commercial/N I Act Other Motor Accident Claim Commercial Winding Up Other Neighbour Dispute Taxtion Commercial Recovery of Dues Family Property (Partition) Commercial Recovery/ 138 NI Act Commercial (Spacific Performance) Commercial/NI Act Commercial Recovery/N I Act Commercial Sale of Property (Family Property) Family Commercial/Defamation Damage Other/ Motor Accident Claim Family/ Partition Commercial Partition Commercial/Cancellation of Flat IPR/Designs (Recovery suit) Commercial Othres Other Motor/Accident) Matrimonial (Child Custody) Commercial/Recovery of Money Family Proprty (Partition) Family/Probate Commercial/ Recovery of Money Commercial/Electricity Commercial Recovery/138 NI Act Commercial/Recovery Industrial Dispute/Service Tenancy ID Act(Service) Commercial (Consumer) Commercial/Specific Performance (Specific Perfromance) Commercial (Specific Performance) Commercial IPR/Trademark Matrimonial (Family Property) (Property & Family) Commercial (Specific Perrfomance) Commercial Family/ Commercial IDA Commercial N I Act IPR/Copyright Commercial (Rent) Commercial N I Act Commercial/Partnership (Criminal Defamation) Others (Property) Commercial IPR Trademark infringment Dilution) Commercial/Negotiable Instrument Act Specific Performance Commercial / Negotiable Instrument Act Commercial /Damages Commercial(Rent) Family Commercial Commercial Specific Performance( Agreement to Sell) IPR Trademark Copyright Commercial Trademark Commercial Cheque bounce Commercial Recovery Suit Commercial Agreement to sell Family Partititon Family Disupte Matrimonial Dowry Commercial Mesne Profit Commercial mesne profits Commercial Agreement Matrimonial Penal Commercial Injunction Family Probate Family Partiton Probate Commercial Provident fund release Matrimonail Commercial Specific Performance Commercial Flat Allotment Commercial Loan Negotiable Instsrument Act Commercial Sale Deed Commercial Tax Family Dispute Commercial Arbitration Matrimonial MOU IPR Trademark & Copyright I.P.R Commercial Partnership Commercial Property Service Matter Commercial Cheque Dishonour Family Property Commercial/Tenancy Matrimonial Divorce Family Succession Matrimonial Family Partition Commercial Sale Matrimonial Commercial Commercial suit (Not Settled) Property (Sepecific Perfomance ) Commercial Dispute Commercial Bank Family Partition I.R.R. Trademark IPR Trademark Commercial Others Recovery property Commercial Money Commercial MOU Commercial other Property Commercial 138 Recovery Commercial Recovery for money I. D. Act Comercial Money claim Commercial environment Commercial N. I. Act Commercial Company Partition Commercial Recovery/ N.I. Act Family- Metrimonial Commercial- Specific Performance Family- Property Industrial disput aware IPR Commercial Recovery/Criminal Commercial Recovery-138 N.I.Act Commercial N.I. Act Delhi Rent Control Act Commercial-Recovery-138 N. I. Act Commercialrecovery Matrimonial Dispute Commercial Contract Property Commercial-Recovery-138 N.I. Act Commercial Money claim ID Act Commercial (Tenancy) Commercial Shares Metrimonial Industrial Labour Commercial-Tenancy Negotiable Instrument Act Family- Partition Commercial recovery-138 N.I. Act Commercial property recovery of dues Industrial Disput Award Commercial Tenant I. P. R.- Copy right Family-Probate Commercial Loans Family-Property Commercial -Tenancy Intellectual property right-Trade mark Commercial -employment Commercial Electricity act Commercial Employment Sr. Management Commmercial Property Others Family -Property Commercial Lease Intellectual property right-Trade Marks M.A.C.T + Criminal Commercial Contract Suit for Recovery Commercial Electicity Commercial Electricity laws Commercial Suit for recovery Commercial defamation damages Negotiable Instrument Intellectual property rights-Trade Marks Commercial Loan Intellecual Property right Trade Mark Other Suit-Damages Commercial/ Sale of Property-Specific Perrormance Criminal Commercial -Electricity Act Intellectual Property Rights- Trade Marks Commercial Electricity Family recovery of money Commercial Specific Relief Act Family Settlement Commercial MAC Act Family- Commercial Intellecual Property rights -trade marks I. D Act Intellectual property rights- trade mark Commercial Employment Commercial recovery of possession mesre property MOU I. P. R. Intellectual property rights -copy right Commercial/N.I. Act Commercial Societies Act Family/Partition Intellectual property right- Patents Commercial Taxation IPR Copyright Family Property Partition Commercial Banking Industrial Award Commercial Society Allotment Commercial Possession Commercial- Tenancy I.P.R. Software Commercial Partnership Industrial Disspute award Intellctual property right-Trade mark Family Proptery Intellecual Property Rights Trade Mark Commercial-Tenancy+Recovery of Money Commercial damages Intellecual Property Rights -Trade Mark Family/ IPR 33333 Intellectual property rights-Trade Mark Other Suit Commercial Tenancy IPR Trademark Commercial rent Intellectual Property Rights I.P.R. Copyright Commercial-Specific Performance (Divorce) Matrimonial Family-Probat Other I.P.R. Commercial Development of Property Industrial Dispute Award Property Dispute Commercial Leave/License Industrial Dispute Act Commercial Recovery Commercial Specific Performance Commercial labour Commercial specific perfomance Family Property Family-Commercial Commercial Specific Performance Commercial Property Family Commercial Family Property (Partition) Commercial money Family-Partition Industrial Dispute Industrial Dispute/Award Other Suits Matrimonial